Category Archives: Archive

Ansible Inventory 2.0 design rules

This is my third post in the Ansible Inventory series. See the first and the second posts for some background information. Preliminary note: in this post, I try to give an example of a typical deployment inventory, and what rules we might need the inventory to abide to. Whilst I tried to keep things as simple as […]

The post Ansible Inventory 2.0 design rules appeared first on Serge van Ginderachter.

Ansible Inventory 2.0 design rules

This is my third post in the Ansible Inventory series. See the first and the second posts for some background information. Preliminary note: in this post, I try to give an example of a typical deployment inventory, and what rules we might need the inventory to abide to. Whilst I tried to keep things as simple as […]

The post Ansible Inventory 2.0 design rules appeared first on Serge van Ginderachter.

Some first design ideas for an Ansible Inventory 2.0

[update] next post in this series: Ansible Inventory 2.0 design rules In a my previous post “Current state of the Ansible inventory and how it might evolve” I explained some parts of the Ansible Inventory internals, and pointed out some features I would like to improve. Whilst this exercise might be interesting to Ansible and specifically its internal […]

The post Some first design ideas for an Ansible Inventory 2.0 appeared first on Serge van Ginderachter.

Some first design ideas for an Ansible Inventory 2.0

In a my previous post “Current state of the Ansible inventory and how it might evolve” I explained some parts of the Ansible Inventory internals, and pointed out some features I would like to improve. Whilst this exercise might be interesting to Ansible and specifically its internal inventory, it might also just be an idea for an […]

The post Some first design ideas for an Ansible Inventory 2.0 appeared first on Serge van Ginderachter.

Current state of the Ansible inventory and how it might evolve

This is an introductory post about the Inventory in Ansible where I’m looking at the current design and implementation, some of it internals, and where hope to yield some discussion and ideas on how it could be improved, be extended. A recent discussion at Devopsdays Ghent last week, re-spawned my interest in this topic, with some people actively […]

Packt Publishing Ansible Configuration Management review

Around late November 2013 I – too – got contacted by Packt Publishing, asking to do a review on Ansible Configuration Management. I was a bit surprised, as I had declined their offer to write that book, which they asked me exactly two months earlier. Two months seemed like a short period of time to […]

Git and Github: keeping a feature branch updated with upstream?

Git and github, you gotta love them for managing and contributing to (FLOSS) projects. Contributing to a Github hosted project becomes very easy. Fork the project to your personal Github account, clone your fork locally, create a feature branch, make some patch, commit, push back to your personal Github account, and issue a pull request […]

Linus Torvalds on Ubuntu

Quote from Linus Torvalds: “and some kernel people tend to dismiss Ubuntu, but I really think that Ubuntu has generally had the right approach, and been very user-centric”

The Linux-Training Project: Linux Training v2 released

As announced in February new versions of the Linux training courses were being (re-)written by Paul. I’m pleased to announce that v2 was merged in the master branch on github. I you want to test it or just check it out: git clone git:// cd lt git submodule init git submodule update ./ ./ build […]